quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011


I've seen discussions about the teaching methods and curricula about to be implemented in Brazil and the aim of providing better quality education. What I see is that since 1996 when these discussions have become more frequent, the level of education is still far from the ranks of advanced nations. The fact of decreasing the number of illiterate is positive, according to figures from the IBGE:

Illiteracy rate of people aged 15 or older Brazil
33.60% in 1970 

25.50% in 1980 
20.10% in 1991 
13.60% in 2000

Another positive is the number of Brazilians who are in school. In 2002 the official figures were these:
Rate of attendance at school or day care of the resident population

Total 0-6 years 7 to 14 years 15 to 17 years
Brazil 31.7% 36.5% 96.9% 81.5% 

Northeast 35.5% 37.7% 95.8% 79.9% 
Southeast 29.2% 38.6% 97.8% 83.8% 
Southern 29.3% 33.6% 97.9% 78.8% 
Midwest 32.5% 30.7% 97.1% 80.3%

Education should not only worry about the volume of people in schools, but also with the quality of education. It is this question that the situation is still at a disadvantage.
Some scholars point out two problems which I endorse:1st - low pay for teachers2nd - Lack of parental involvement in education

"There are several factors that give negative results, one example is the children who are in the 6th year of elementary school and have not mastered the ability to read and write. This fact is a direct result of what happens in the educational structure in Brazil, because virtually all who work in education receive low wages, frustrated teachers who do not exercise or even collide with professionalism in the difficulties of daily school reality, than parents who do not participate in the education of children, among many other aggravating factors. " (1)

Luciano Constantine's Folha de Sao Paulo wrote a story on 17/03/2003 that still reflects our reality in 2011.The alternative to reverse the situation? Continue projects that are working, invest in the enhancement of teachers and review the school's role in society, with her participation in the debate. Only you can not expect much.

I conclude by saying that parents, teachers, public authorities and students should strive to improve the level of education. People need to learn to study outside of school, to read more, better select what you see and watch and not waste time on trivia

 http://www.ibge.gov.br/ibgeteen/pesquisas/educacao.html, accessed 27/10/2011

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